Why supplement my pet before winter?
Why supplement my pet before winter?
As winter approaches, many pet guardians begin to worry about their best friend?s health and well-being. Like humans, pets can also be affected by cooler temperatures and less...
Discover the Health Benefits of Omega-3 for Your Pets
Discover the Health Benefits of Omega-3 for Your Pets
When it comes to the health of our four-legged friends, we only want the best. Among the many nutrients essential to keep our pets healthy and happy, omega 3 stands out for its...
How to care for pets in low temperatures?
How to care for pets in low temperatures?
PRE-WINTER CARE WITH PETS. In winter, it is essential to be attentive not only to our well-being, but also to that of our best friends. Pets, like us, can feel the effects of the...
Take care of your health and your pet´s health!
Take care of your health and your pet´s health!
And what do we really mean by health? The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that the concept of health is much broader than the simple absence of disease: it is a...
Grooming Center: The importance of the Checklist
Grooming Center: The importance of the Checklist
The checklist is a very important and simple tool to use in your Grooming Center, and it can prevent some future problems and complaints. But first, it is important to check...
Has the amount of snacks and treats increased during quarantine?
Has the amount of snacks and treats increased during quarantine?
We are spending more time at home with our pets and, just like us, they got out of their routine as well. Some of them are able to take more walks outside, now that their owners...
Aesthetics Center: Step-by-step bathing in dogs with fluffy coats
Aesthetics Center: Step-by-step bathing in dogs with fluffy coats
Some doubts arise when we talk about maintaining a fluffy coat, such as: should I moisturize or not, to condition or not. Therefore, our groomer Vinícius Giannattasio decided...
Oral health in dogs and cats
Oral health in dogs and cats
How about taking advantage of the fact that this quarantine made us to be more at home and closer to our pets, to take care of their oral hygiene a little more? This practice...
Aesthetics Center: Short coat dogs
Aesthetics Center: Short coat dogs
If you think that a short hair coat doesn´t need any special care and that there´s not much to explore there, you are wrong! Our groomer Glauber Paixão will explain a little...
Bath on Straight hair coat dogs
Bath on Straight hair coat dogs
Straight and long coats need extra attention and differentiated work! To explain this, our groomer Schwttson Sttein prepared this simple step by step: What we need: - Dog&Co...
Banho em gatos - o passo a passo
Banho em gatos - o passo a passo
A dica de hoje é do Groomer Luciano Ribeiro, especialista em felinos. E é para você, que estava de boa aí no pet e de repente vê chegar um gato para banho. E agora? O Luciano...
Is my pet old?
Is my pet old?
Our pet´s life expectancy has increased. Veterinary medicine has made advances in geriatric care and the pharmaceutical and food industries destined its production of...
Medicines for animal use must not be administered to humans!
Medicines for animal use must not be administered to humans!
After the circulation of fake news in WhatsApp groups and other social media platforms, Laboratório Mundo Animal informs the population that the PET IMUNE V11 vaccine (or any...
Giardiasis in cats?
Giardiasis in cats?
Did you know that in addition to dogs, cats can also become infected with Giardia? Giardiasis is an infection caused by flagellated protozoa of the genus Giardia spp., which...
Kidney disease: prevention is the best way!
Kidney disease: prevention is the best way!
Kidney disease: prevention is the best way! The kidneys work by filtering impurities from the blood and maintaining the body's water and mineral in balance. Changes in its...
Otitis in dogs and cats
Otitis in dogs and cats
Otitis is na ear inflammation, more common in dogs than in cats. The most affected dog breeds are those with long ears, such as Cocker Spaniel, American Cocker, Basset Hound and...
The pets coat must also be hydrated!
The pets coat must also be hydrated!
Let's start with the most important question: Do you moisturize your pup's hair? If your answer is YES, think: How frequently are these hydration? Now if your answer is NO, you...
Worming: Why it is so important to your pets?
Worming: Why it is so important to your pets?
The significant increase in the population of dogs and cats has been driven more and more by changes in people's habits. Today, the routine in the big cities serves as a lever for...
Aedes Aegypti: a threat to our pets?
Aedes Aegypti: a threat to our pets?
With rising temperatures in the summer, mosquito breeding increases as well. Of that we all know. What many do not know is that these mosquitoes present danger not only to us, but...
Prebiotic X Probiotic. What's the difference?
Prebiotic X Probiotic. What's the difference?
The use of food that promotes well-being and improved health has been emphasized and encouraged in last years with the goal of maximizing the expectation and quality of life of...
Cats also take bath! Did you know?
Cats also take bath! Did you know?
Let's start breaking some paradigms? Cats are invading Brazilian homes! Fifteen years ago they were 10 million and today they reach almost 24 million, being called "pets of the...
October: breast cancer prevention month
October: breast cancer prevention month
As many know, October is the month of the breast cancer prevention campaign in women. But did you know that dogs and cats can also get breast cancer? Not only that: it is the most...
How to start brushing your pet tooth?
How to start brushing your pet tooth?
Did you know that daily tooth brushing is key to the health of dogs and cats? When brushing the teeth daily, we remove the bacterial plaque that is formed in the teeth and gums...
Environmental enrichment for domestic cats
Environmental enrichment for domestic cats
The increase in the number of cats as companion animals is a worldwide phenomenon. Also, who can resist the charm of these cats? But before bringing one to your home, it is...
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