Some doubts arise when we talk about maintaining a fluffy coat, such as: should I moisturize or not, to condition or not.

Therefore, our groomer Vinícius Giannattasio decided to make a step by step maintenance bath that he does weekly on his and his clients' poodles and bichons:

The function of the shampoo is to clean, in addition to other specific functions that each shampoo has. But it will always leave the cuticle of the hair open. Therefore, after using the shampoo, we must treat this coat, with hydration to give back the necessary nutrients, or to condition to close the cuticle, making this hair to suffer less from external actions and possible damages.

A well-treated coat (conditioned and hydrated) means less breakage.

Let´s see a step by step bath in a fluffy fur dog:

1 - Nail cut (always very short)
2 - Preparation for bathing, opening the coat with the aid of a detangling fluid to prevent the brush from having too much friction on the dried hair, thus avoiding breakage and exaggerated hair removal.
3 - I use Dog&Co Pre-Wash shampoo to remove all the dirt and leave the coat ready to receive the specific shampoo.
4 ? The second shampoo is a specific shampoo, depending on the need at the time. Whether to enhance the color (Dog&Co Color Shampoo) or to give more volume to the coat (Dog&Co Ultra Volume Shampoo).
5 - After removing the shampoo, it´s time for hydration, to give back nutrients to the coat, or in case I don't hydrate, I will use the Dog&Co Conditioner to close the cuticle of that hair.
If it's a week that I'm going to groom the dog, or take it to a competition, I prepare this dog a little differently: the second shampoo I'll use is the Dog&Co Ultra Volume Shampoo and Dog&Co Ultra Volume Mask.
6 - Ear cleaning.
7 - The drying process:
I use the blower on 80% of the dog with no sudden movements of this blower, to stretch the coat more easily from root to tip, making it easier to use the brush to finish.

Always remembre: on fluffy coat, the more volume the better. If you have this option, always use Dog&Co Ultra Volume Shampoo as a second hand at bath time!
By : Vinícius Giannattasio - Groomer
Avenida Dom João VI, 500 • Distrito Industrial • Pindamonhangaba • SP
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