If you think that a short hair coat doesn´t need any special care and that there´s not much to explore there, you are wrong!

Our groomer Glauber Paixão will explain a little bit about dogs with short hair coats and the care we need to have with this coat when bathing and grooming:

Many people think that because it is a short hair coat dog we don't have much to offer to the customer, apart from just the bath. But we can offer these customers a lot of services, like bi-weekly undercoat removal, embed in packages and even hydration! Yes, short coat dogs should do hydration. After all, short coat dogs still have fur, right? And any fur should be hydrated!

Remember that undercoat removal is a technique that should always be done before bathing with the skin and hair still dirty, for skin protection and ease of removal of dead hair. We can use a hand knife, stone or furminator. These services can be sold separately or in weekly combos.

After that, we can bath the dog. I use Dog&Co Pre-Wash shampoo to do the heavy cleaning, especially if the dog is very dirty. After the pre-wash shampoo, with the coat already clean, I use Dog&Co Color Shampoo, and to finish, that hydration, which can be Dog&Co Moisturizing Mask, Dog&Co Total Nutrition Mask or Dog&Co Intense Repair Mask.

The difference in coat is huge! And if the owner has never been instructed to hydrate the short coat dog, it's your duty to show the huge difference that this basic coat care can make, even on a short coat.
By : Glauber Paixão - Groomer
Avenida Dom João VI, 500 • Distrito Industrial • Pindamonhangaba • SP
Developed by: Impulsa