Let's start breaking some paradigms?

Cats are invading Brazilian homes! Fifteen years ago they were 10 million and today they reach almost 24 million, being called "pets of the 21st century", because they have characteristics that accompany the evolutions of modern life. Besides being considered "independent" because they are clean, take up little space, sleep an average of 16 to 18 hours a day, they are ideal pets for those who stay many hours away from home. Besides loving, they are incredible partners!

Despite this independence, we must pay attention to the issue of hygiene. There are many myths and we are here to present tips and information that will facilitate the day by day of this pet so demanding.

Bathing should be part of the routine of a cat living in a house or apartment, especially in large cities. There is a very easy rule that we can adopt to create a stress-free routine that brings cats closer to their tutors and especially to the aesthetic professional. The secret is in conditioning them to bathing since they are little, because they are not afraid of what is new to them. The first bath is important given by someone who can minister it.

Recalling that in the pet shop, bathing it should be given only after the cat completes the first cycle of the vaccines. At home, it can be conducted by the tutor or aesthetic professional who goes to the place, who can teach the tutor tactics of conditioning your cat.

Cats have different breeds and behaviors, even the?No Race Defined?. At bath time, there will only be stress if the veterinarian has not indicated the routine of bathing and hygiene since the first appointment.

Bath is also a responsible guard action. Who wants a dirty little bug in the bed or in the privacy of a home? It is worth mentioning that, although they have hygienic habits and lick themselves frequently, in order to hygiene, their tongue has no antibacterial action.

The hairs can tangle for lack of bath. The scales of hair open and curl, creating little knots. If the tutor does not brush the coat, it literally turns a snowball. When a cat arrives in a pet shop with a tangle hair, everyone suffers: the professional, the cat and the tutor. When it comes to toying, the cat?s stress level can be very high!

Nowadays, there are alternative options for those cats pup that do not adapt to the frequent bath, or for hours when bathing for some reason is not possible. They are the products for "dry bath". Always use a dry mousse and never spray! Cats are frightened by noises and aggressive jets of water. Look for the dedicated and exclusive product for domestic felines.

Cats with a brushing routine with a dry mousse bath can manage to stay without wet baths for up to 4 months. How about starting to condition your cat to brushing with dry bath? In addition to avoiding the coat tangles, the brushing leaves the cat more docile, making this a moment of interaction between you and him.

And most importantly: always take your cat to the veterinarian to vaccinate him and do a periodic checkup. After all, he's not that independent.
By : Cecy Passos - Consultant and manager of cat´s products
Avenida Dom João VI, 500 • Distrito Industrial • Pindamonhangaba • SP
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