As many know, October is the month of the breast cancer prevention campaign in women. But did you know that dogs and cats can also get breast cancer? Not only that: it is the most frequent tumor process in female dog! While on cats, it is the third most common type. The incidence of the disease increases from 8 years of age. And make no mistake: males can also get the disease, but at a lower incidence.

Genetic predisposition, associated with external factors such as feeding, besides the use of contraceptives, are factors that can contribute to tumor formation in dogs and cats.

Periodic visits to the veterinarian are extremely important because early diagnosis increases the chances of success in treatment. The veterinarian is the only professional who can examine and diagnose the presence of problems related to the disease in advance, and indicate the best treatment for your dog or cat.

Early castration is an effective way to prevent breast tumors. At home, a thorough palpation of the mammary glands should be done monthly, in search of lumps, palpation pains or presence of secretions in the breasts. Palpation of the axillary and inguinal region also helps to notice changes in the lymph nodes. In any perceived change, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary.

Prevention is an act of love. Protect who you love!
By : Dr. Simone Amitay - Veterinarian
Avenida Dom João VI, 500 • Distrito Industrial • Pindamonhangaba • SP
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