The significant increase in the population of dogs and cats has been driven more and more by changes in people's habits. Today, the routine in the big cities serves as a lever for the growth of the number of pets. Many people choose to have children later or getting married later and this is moment that a little dog or cat comes up to fill the house with joy and emptiness of a running life.

But even with a running life, the option of having a pet at home also involves many responsibilities and care. And worming is one of them. When properly performed, in addition to protecting the pet, it also acts to prevent the transmission of infections of parasitic origin to the rest of the family, since some intestinal parasites of dogs and cats carry a zoonotic risk, that is, they can be transmitted to you and your family.

The first dose of wormer should be given to your pup at around 30 days of age, repeating the dose 15 days later. In the case of pups and cats, paste wormer facilitates administration. The dose should be repeated 02 to 03 times a year, or as directed by the veterinarian. For treatment to be successful it is important that it be done on all animals that have contact with the pup (other pups and even adult animals) so that they are not a source of reinfection. Adult animals should also be regularly treated.

In addition to worming, an anti-flea and tick control is also extremely important, as these ectoparasites can also transmit diseases to pets.

Some of the damages caused by parasites to pets are: weight loss, less use of nutrients, vomiting and diarrhea, increase and abdominal pain. It is worth remembering that often the animal cannot present any symptoms, and even then, carry parasites in your gut.

The periodic visit to the Veterinarian, accompanied by a fecal examination, becomes essential. If the examination shows any change, the veterinarian will be able to indicate the appropriate wormer for your pet. Protect it and protect your family!
By : Dr. Simone Amitay - Veterinarian
Avenida Dom João VI, 500 • Distrito Industrial • Pindamonhangaba • SP
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