Let's start with the most important question: Do you moisturize your pup's hair? If your answer is YES, think: How frequently are these hydration? Now if your answer is NO, you should worry.

Let's start with the simple way: our pets baths are essential and can act in different ways, such as treating infestations, treating skin diseases, maintaining hygiene and / or treatment of the coat.

When we subject an animal to a reasonably hot bath and apply shampoos, we remove some of its natural fat. This fat acts by protecting the skin and reducing itchy frames and consequent pathological cases. In addition, for the coat, this fat helps in the hydration of the yarns, brightness and silkiness. If we remove this natural layer of fat and if we do not condition and moisturize this coat, we tend to get a drier skin and a rough and frizzy coat.

Hydration is recommended whenever possible, in order to restore water, vitamins, keratin, amino acids or lipids to the coat. In most hydration we can replace the natural fat lost in the initial bath process.

Hydration can be initiated from the first bath of the pet in ?grooming?. And if you maintain a weekly bathing frequency, hydration can be offered at least twice a month. This will also aid in reducing the oxidation that the coat suffers in the day by day, coming from the contact of the coat with urine and feaces, licking, sun, rain, contact with dust and others.

That's where constant hydration becomes important!

When the animal is hydrated with a higher frequency, we have a soft coat with less frizz, stronger ends, accelerated growth coat, brightness, silkiness, knots reduction, less dry skin, reduction of itching by dehydration. Summarized, an armored coat of external damages.

What if your pup has short coat? Hydrate! In the same way and frequency. After all the skin is even more exposed, and the coat will look noticeably better from the first hydration.

You can enjoy your pet's visits to the ?gromming? and tell you what hydration isAnd what benefits it can offer.

The Dog & Co, exclusive for dogs, has a range of products specific to your dog, such as types of shampoos, conditioner, colognes, body splash, finisher and, of course, a moisturizing mask with ultra softness. Offers an intensive treatment for all types of hairs, regenerating, conditioning and providing greater shine to dogs coat. Rich in lipids, amino acids, keratin and natural oils, essential to supply all the needs of the coat; from the skin to the most damaged ends. It also helps in the removal of the knots during the application and maintenance of the coat afterwards. A varnish gloss effect from the first application.

Remember that what your pup eats directly reflects the quality of the coat! That is why it is equally important to provide a balanced and high quality diet.
By : Dr. Kamylle Massari - Veterinarian
Avenida Dom João VI, 500 • Distrito Industrial • Pindamonhangaba • SP
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