As winter approaches, many pet guardians begin to worry about their best friend?s health and well-being. Like humans, pets can also be affected by cooler temperatures and less sunlight.
Here are some reasons why supplementation can be beneficial for your pet during the winter months:

1. Strengthening the immune system:

Winter can bring with it a number of challenges for the immune system of pets. Supplements that contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can help strengthen the immune system, making them more resistant to possible seasonal diseases.

2. Skin and Hair Health:
Cold, dry winter air can cause dry, dull skin. Supplements with Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids can help keep skin hydrated and hair healthy.

3. Healthy joints:
Cold can aggravate conditions like arthritis in older pets. Supplements with glucosamine and chondroitin can support joint health and relieve discomfort.

4. Energy and Vitality:
During winter, pets can become less active and more prone to weight gain. Supplements can help maintain energy levels and promote a healthy metabolism.

5. Adaptation to Change of Season:
The change of season can be stressful for some animals. Supplements that promote emotional balance, such as those containing calming herbs, can help adapt to these changes.

Antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, é crucial consultar um veterinário para garantir que você escolha os produtos mais adequados para as necessidades específicas do seu pet. Lembre-se de que cada animal é único e pode requerer diferentes tipos de suporte nutricional.
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